Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Click Picture For More Details. Save Yourself The Pain!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Cure

When heartburn or acid reflux hits you, you might want to try some of these natural remedies first. There are four natural remedies that can be used to maintain balance of acid in your stomach and each can be effective. One of the four is cinnamon. Besides using it on baked goods, cinnamon may be used as a medical remedy. Studies show that it has an antiseptic effect and is used for colds and flu's and also works well for settling an upset stomach, plus it has amazing fighting power against Candida albicans.

Let's look at how you can use cinnamon to help settle heartburn and an acid stomach:

Toast a slice of raisin bread to begin with or any bread you desire. Add just a tiny bit of butter to the bread. Next you would sprinkle cinnamon onto the bread. Than just a tad bit of cardamom on the bread as well.
Once you take a bite of this toasted bread, completely chew the toast before you swallow it. This can help the digestive juices begin breaking down the solid food you are eating. Cardamon is grown in India and has been treating Celiac diseases. This intolerance is found in all types of breads and aids with the glutens.

Another natural remedy is grapefruit skins, which may seem odd, but it is known to work. Make sure you only use organic grapefruits. Grapefruit skins are a wonderful way to control your acid reflux stomach. Here's how its done. First thoroughly wash, then dry the skin of the grapefruit. Now take your organic grapefruit and grate the whole outer skin. Let them air dry on a level surface. They need to get to a crinkly dry level. Place them either in a zip lock bag or a glass jar. Once your upset stomach, heartburn or acid reflux bothers you, try chewing on the dried grapefruit strips. This process should fix your stomach. But you only need to eat a small amount to see if its the perfect remedy for you.

Another natural remedy is Romaine lettuce. Did you know that Romaine lettuce has the ability to erase heartburn and acid reflux. Romaine lettuce contains high alkaline and its high in minerals. Here's how it works to settle your upset stomach.
You will need to get an organic head of the Romaine lettuce. Make sure you have cleaned it with distilled water. Chop up a couple of the leaves and throw them in a electric blender. Add some cold distilled water. You might also want to put just a tad bit of honey in the mixture, to add taste. A suggested serving of 4-8 oz glass to treat your acid reflux or sour stomach.

Slippery elm, Nutmeg and Mace are also natural remedies used to help settle an upset stomach. Using nutmeg and mace have proven throughout studies to treat vomiting, stomach gas, heartburn, acid reflux, and of course indigestion.

Let your herbal combination sit and cool before consuming 1/2 cup at a time. Refrigerate any unused mixture to preserve it's shelf life. The next cup that you need to drink, make sure you heat it up. So try all four of these natural remedies. If you follow the instructions properly, you should recieve the relief you have to have. Because heartburn and acid reflux require alkaline to provide relief.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Informative Article By Groshan Fabiola

What Do You Know About The Stomach Acid?

Yes, it's true, at the level of the stomach can be found an acid which has an important role in the food digestion.That acid is powerful,in comparison with a battery acid.Between the mouth and the stomach can be found a tube named esophagus,which transports the food from the throat to the stomach.

Sometimes this acid returns into the esophagus where produces a burning sensation called heartburn, which is the most common symptom of acid reflux disease.This reflux disease is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.The people which have GERD feel in the center of the chest a burning pain.This sensation can be given by the acid which returns into the esophagus from the stomach.

This heartburn can appear occasionally to people.There happens that the symptom lasts two or more days a week for at least three months.So, in this case may be acid reflux disease.The esophagus communicates with the stomach through a sphincter, which is a valve.The acid from stomach returns into the esophagus when the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes more often than it should or when the time is not appropriate.

The acid reflux disease is a chronic condition and can produce more serious medical conditions because it can wear away or erode the lining of the esophagus.The erosion of the lining of the esophagus from acid reflux disease is called Erosive Esophagitis (EE).This happens to patients with ARD when over a period of time the esophagus is exposed to stomach acid.This can be seen by an endoscopy, which can be done only by a doctor which can confirm the existence of this damage.

Fortunately, this disease can be treatable, but the patient should consult a doctor to obtain the right treatment.The frequently treatment for persistent heartburn symptoms due to acid reflux disease is NEXIUM.This one can provide 24-hour relief from the painful heartburn symptoms and it can heal erosions in the esophagus caused by the acid reflux.Despite this treatment and the diet the symptoms can last an 2 or more days on week.

NEXIUM is useful for many people because it can heal damage to the esophagus produced by acid reflux.When the lining of the esophagus is eroded by the acid from the stomach, this damage can occur over time.If is or not a erosive esophagitis only a doctor can tell.These erosions heal in 4 to 8 weeks, but the results may vary.The treatment with NEXIUM can have side effects like:headache, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

This acid contained by the stomach has good parts and bad parts.
For more resources about acid reflux or especially about acid reflux diet please click this link
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