Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Click Picture For More Details. Save Yourself The Pain!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Acid Reflux...New Treatment

EsophyX is a new way of treating acid reflux. This is a a relatively new procedure where the doctor takes a piece of the stomach tissue and inserting it to plug the gap that allows the reflux, thus preventing the gastric juices to escape. The prognosis looks good with 9 out of 10 patients no longer needing regular treatment. The new tissue plugs the opening and prevents the reflux in most patients.

The procedure is done with an endoscope under just general anaesthesia and only takes about thirty minutes. Certainly something to consider if you suffer from acid reflux as the results speak for themselves. The alternative is popping Zantax, pepto or whatever else you ingest out of desperation.

Call your doctor. Finding an acid reflux cure is worth fully investigating. Acid reflux is definitely not a pleasant experience, but the alternative is.