Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Click Picture For More Details. Save Yourself The Pain!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Acid Reflux Dangers

Everyone is chatting about their desire to use natural acid reflux remedies, but you barely see guides for these cures. Just about all of these ancient cures are based in folklore or oriental medicine. Traditional medical uses either basic antacids or new prescription medications to control acid reflux and indigestion. A few natural medicine doctors and herbalists say having a steady diet of antacids may lead to aluminum toxicity. But research shows no harm from taking antacids that have aluminum, unless you suffer other chronic illness. Practically all people do not want anything unnatural into their bodies and natural remedies will help to relieve heartburn.

We study many different home and natural cures that are still in common use. We have a list of these for your use. We can't promise you their claim only that the people who provided the cures claimed that they work for relieving their acid reflux heartburn. It might be obvious when you are not eating or drinking correctly, smoking, chewing tobacco, ingesting lots of caffeine or citrus, over doing alcohol or any other activity to stir up your heartburn symptoms. Plus, when you are suffering from GERD or LES (lower esophageal sphincter) muscles difficulties, chronic heartburn, ulcer or any higher form of Gastro Reflux Disease you need to see a doctor that specializes in acid reflux disease. Pushing back treatment may lead to major problems.

Eating almonds have been known to reduce heartburn issues when eaten prior to meals and an hour before bed. Bananas too carry a natural antacid in them which helps heartburn relief. Dried and powder bananas are available and alot more easy to use. Pineapples store enzymes and have bromelain, an enzyme cuts down proteins. Pineapples help bring digestion, reduces redness, and helps in healing wounds. Fresh juice has elevated levels of enzymes that should aid you in controlling your acid reflux. Raw fruits and vegetables like white potatoes, carrots and diced apples are cited to relieve heartburn.

Most people have used this cure for a number of years with great success. Vinegar, Chamomile, Licorice are just a few natural cures used throughout the years. Peppermint and lavender teas are well-known home remedies for many issues, including reducing acid reflux. Studies show it reduces acid in your stomach. Anise is looked upon as a powerful herb used for different ailments including heartburn. There are many kinds of anise and it is suggested that you use green anise, sweet or European and stay away from caraway and star varieties. Peppermint is a common home cure given to us. Alot of people suffering from heartburn carry peppermint candies on them and use them to help the burning pain of heartburn.

Chicory is a sour tasting herb that has endive and escarole in them. It reduces the problems and discomfort of acid reflux heartburn. Chicory is used in salads. Papaya is also used in helping relieve you of heartburn symptoms. This fruit is grown in south Florida and it can be found in super markets. The enzymes should be used for years,for stomach symptoms. We just touched down on a few of the natural cures, again these remedies were cited to us to work in controlling or avoiding acid reflux symptoms.

We stated this in the beginning, When you are suffering from major acid reflux disease, chronic heartburn or Lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle problems you should contact your doctor for the right medicines to help you fight these symptoms. Not doing so could lead to major stomach issues.

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