Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Click Picture For More Details. Save Yourself The Pain!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

What Damage Does Acid Reflux Do?

Acid reflux or gerd, have many possible serious health problems and symptoms, LPR also known as Laryngopharyngeal Reflux can be in one's lungs, the larynx, pharynx, bronchi, and the trachea. LPR affects have been cited in certain journals. To enter the throat, LPR happens when the upper esophagus sphincter (UES) opens up and lets reflux in. The potential for harm is bigger from the stomach acids and digestive enzymes.

Because the contents of the affected areas are made up of softer tissue in the esophagus. The risk than becomes higher for one to develop aspiration pneumonia, if the reflux is breathed into your lungs. Interstitial fibrosis is when the tissue in the lungs become inflamed or scarred. Other pulmonary problems can grow especially in adult onsets are coughing, asthma, and wheezing. Water brash, halitosis, the decay of tooth enamel and gingivitis can come from excessive acid reaching one's mouth.

Fluids entering in one's Eustachian tubes between the ear and throat, can cause further complications including dysphagia and odynophgia. Plus a sensations in the lump of your throat and pharynx symptoms can include laryngitis, hoarseness and soreness. Your loss of vocal range meaning difficulty in singing, shallowed food coming back up, continuous clearing of your throat, dysphonia, a post nasal drip, blockage of breathing passages and spasms of the larynx are just a few of the overall symptoms plus the ones given to you above.

Associated with your usual GERD or acid reflux symptoms, due to the diagnosis of LPR might be harder to find. In fact less than 15% of those affected have the heartburn. A laryngoscopy has to be diagnose and evaluate the condition. And only your health care or your doctor can provide you with this test. So if your experiencing any of the aforementioned problems, please get in touch with your doctor as quick as possible.

Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and pH testing are just a few of the test you may have done. If your complaining about odynophagia or dysphagia. To find out if the reflux is reaching your upper esophagus and to assess the pH content of the reflux, two senors are placed on each end of the esophagus. That's why its so important to set out the time and make lifestyle changes for your good health. To reduce the acid in the stomach, prescription medications like antacids are a helpful medical treatment.

Depending on the severity of your case, in the treatment of GERD one's doctor might recommend or combined one or more treatments. Should you experience any of the symptoms outlined in these articles, you need to seek medical care from a doctor as quickly as possible. Don't wait till its to late. To take control of your acid reflux disease, see your specialist as often as needed. If left untreated, remember that acid reflux might lead to really serious and critical health issues. This also includes leading to some forms of cancer.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

ScienceDaily: Acid Reflux: GERD Can Masquerade As Persistent Cough Or Even Chest Pain

I've said it before, but here is an article that corroborates it...a cough or chest pain can be acid reflux.

ScienceDaily: Acid Reflux: GERD Can Masquerade As Persistent Cough Or Even Chest Pain: "Science Daily — Many people may not realize that symptoms such as chronic cough or chest pain can be caused by acid reflux into the esophagus, because they do not experience classic heartburn symptoms or acid regurgitation. Two new studies presented at the 72nd ACG Annual Scientific Meeting highlight the little known connection between gastroesophageal reflux and seemingly unrelated problems. Ads by Google Advertise on this site Heartburn Home Remedy 3 Grocery Items May Replace Drugs to Cure Acid Reflux & Heartburn! Acid Reflux Natural Cure Eliminate Root Causes and Symptoms Order Biogetica GERD Super Kit now! Stomach Acid Pain Max Strength Pepcid ® AC to Knock Out Tough Heartburn Acid Reflux 3 Day Cure Cure Your Acid Reflux Using 2 Natural Groceries From the Store Have Acid Reflux? Free Beyond the Burn Savings Card Relieve Your Acid Reflux Symptoms Researchers at the Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston studied patients in emergency rooms who complained of serious chest pain. They measured and recorded pH levels in the esophagus of 31 patients for two days to determine whether excessive acid caused their chest pain. Researchers found more women than men were being rushed to the eme"

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Cure

When heartburn or acid reflux hits you, you might want to try some of these natural remedies first. There are four natural remedies that can be used to maintain balance of acid in your stomach and each can be effective. One of the four is cinnamon. Besides using it on baked goods, cinnamon may be used as a medical remedy. Studies show that it has an antiseptic effect and is used for colds and flu's and also works well for settling an upset stomach, plus it has amazing fighting power against Candida albicans.

Let's look at how you can use cinnamon to help settle heartburn and an acid stomach:

Toast a slice of raisin bread to begin with or any bread you desire. Add just a tiny bit of butter to the bread. Next you would sprinkle cinnamon onto the bread. Than just a tad bit of cardamom on the bread as well.
Once you take a bite of this toasted bread, completely chew the toast before you swallow it. This can help the digestive juices begin breaking down the solid food you are eating. Cardamon is grown in India and has been treating Celiac diseases. This intolerance is found in all types of breads and aids with the glutens.

Another natural remedy is grapefruit skins, which may seem odd, but it is known to work. Make sure you only use organic grapefruits. Grapefruit skins are a wonderful way to control your acid reflux stomach. Here's how its done. First thoroughly wash, then dry the skin of the grapefruit. Now take your organic grapefruit and grate the whole outer skin. Let them air dry on a level surface. They need to get to a crinkly dry level. Place them either in a zip lock bag or a glass jar. Once your upset stomach, heartburn or acid reflux bothers you, try chewing on the dried grapefruit strips. This process should fix your stomach. But you only need to eat a small amount to see if its the perfect remedy for you.

Another natural remedy is Romaine lettuce. Did you know that Romaine lettuce has the ability to erase heartburn and acid reflux. Romaine lettuce contains high alkaline and its high in minerals. Here's how it works to settle your upset stomach.
You will need to get an organic head of the Romaine lettuce. Make sure you have cleaned it with distilled water. Chop up a couple of the leaves and throw them in a electric blender. Add some cold distilled water. You might also want to put just a tad bit of honey in the mixture, to add taste. A suggested serving of 4-8 oz glass to treat your acid reflux or sour stomach.

Slippery elm, Nutmeg and Mace are also natural remedies used to help settle an upset stomach. Using nutmeg and mace have proven throughout studies to treat vomiting, stomach gas, heartburn, acid reflux, and of course indigestion.

Let your herbal combination sit and cool before consuming 1/2 cup at a time. Refrigerate any unused mixture to preserve it's shelf life. The next cup that you need to drink, make sure you heat it up. So try all four of these natural remedies. If you follow the instructions properly, you should recieve the relief you have to have. Because heartburn and acid reflux require alkaline to provide relief.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Informative Article By Groshan Fabiola

What Do You Know About The Stomach Acid?

Yes, it's true, at the level of the stomach can be found an acid which has an important role in the food digestion.That acid is powerful,in comparison with a battery acid.Between the mouth and the stomach can be found a tube named esophagus,which transports the food from the throat to the stomach.

Sometimes this acid returns into the esophagus where produces a burning sensation called heartburn, which is the most common symptom of acid reflux disease.This reflux disease is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.The people which have GERD feel in the center of the chest a burning pain.This sensation can be given by the acid which returns into the esophagus from the stomach.

This heartburn can appear occasionally to people.There happens that the symptom lasts two or more days a week for at least three months.So, in this case may be acid reflux disease.The esophagus communicates with the stomach through a sphincter, which is a valve.The acid from stomach returns into the esophagus when the lower esophageal sphincter relaxes more often than it should or when the time is not appropriate.

The acid reflux disease is a chronic condition and can produce more serious medical conditions because it can wear away or erode the lining of the esophagus.The erosion of the lining of the esophagus from acid reflux disease is called Erosive Esophagitis (EE).This happens to patients with ARD when over a period of time the esophagus is exposed to stomach acid.This can be seen by an endoscopy, which can be done only by a doctor which can confirm the existence of this damage.

Fortunately, this disease can be treatable, but the patient should consult a doctor to obtain the right treatment.The frequently treatment for persistent heartburn symptoms due to acid reflux disease is NEXIUM.This one can provide 24-hour relief from the painful heartburn symptoms and it can heal erosions in the esophagus caused by the acid reflux.Despite this treatment and the diet the symptoms can last an 2 or more days on week.

NEXIUM is useful for many people because it can heal damage to the esophagus produced by acid reflux.When the lining of the esophagus is eroded by the acid from the stomach, this damage can occur over time.If is or not a erosive esophagitis only a doctor can tell.These erosions heal in 4 to 8 weeks, but the results may vary.The treatment with NEXIUM can have side effects like:headache, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

This acid contained by the stomach has good parts and bad parts.
For more resources about acid reflux or especially about acid reflux diet please click this link
Article Source:

Friday, September 28, 2007

Acid Reflux - Q and A: Acid Reflux and Your Lungs

Acid Reflux - Q and A: Acid Reflux and Your Lungs

Informative article regarding how acid reflux can effect your lungs?

Acid reflux can cause pulmonary complications such as cough, asthma and aspiration. Refluxed liquid can cause coughing by stimulating nerves that provoke coughing. Additionally, reflux into the lower esophagus can stimulate esophageal nerves that connect to and can stimulate nerves going to the lungs. These nerves to the lungs then can cause the smaller breathing tubes to narrow, resulting in an attack of asthma. The reflux of liquid into the lungs (called aspiration) often results in coughing and choking.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

American Chronicle: Acid Reflux Syndrome and Your Life Style

American Chronicle: Acid Reflux Syndrome and Your Life Style

You are in an important meeting and are just about to close the biggest deal of your career. You should be somewhere up on cloud nine, but you only just manage to present a happy smiling face to your colleagues. It’s not that you’re not over the moon, and wouldn’t like to celebrate with the rest of them, but you’ve got that burning feeling again that tells you that you shouldn’t have had that burrito for lunch. You are suffering from heartburn. Or so you think. In actuality you could be suffering from Acid Reflux Syndrome.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Control Acid Reflux

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD is a medical ailment that strikes the young and the elderly. The esophagus is protected by the Lower esophageal sphincter (LES).Its a valve that let's food pass through the esophagus to the stomach. While protecting the gullet from acid content of the stomach. Numerous factors will compromise the valve, letting acid contents from the stomach to come up the esophagus. Adults as well as infants can suffer from heartburn. Infants eat and drink mainly soft foods and essentially liquids, that are very rich in diary proteins. You never know if an infants is suffering from a gastroesopageal reflux disease. Plus its unlikely for a infant to complain of heartburn.

Acid reflux in babies is a result of many factors, one is that their always lying down or in positions where their not able to properly let the liquids or soft food digest the right way. Basically when combined with pressure liquid foods may regurgitate and be at a greater risk of suffering from acid reflux disease. But there are other factors that might come into play, for example an infants anatomy could have be developing properly, a poor diet, overweight, or suffer from food allergies.

Infants cannot complain about their ailments nor tell you how they feel, its really hard to figure out if the baby is suffering from acid reflux. The only way to know is to take your child to a doctor. But there will be signs you need to know and look for what will suggest some type of gastro disease.

Here are a few clues: Problems with falling asleep good, having a cough, suffering from weight loss, not havingto much of an appetite, the constant throwing up and also suffering from Apnea. Suffering from mood swings or some kind of strange irritability. Also having severe chest pain, suffering from a sore throat and suffering from bad breath. Continuous non stop crying will also play a factor in your acid reflux symptoms.

Respiratory problems can come about with acid reflux disease, including strictures, pneumonia, malnourishment and ulcerations in the esophageal wall. These signs might not always mean that your infant is suffering acid reflux, but its reason enough to have them checked by a pediatrician. There are a few things you can do to help your child with their acid reflux. Things like changing your infant's food. Try feeding and keeping your infant upright, particularly when eating. And pay extra attention to your child's needs and stay focus for any signs of heartburn or chest pains.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Acid Reflux...New Treatment

EsophyX is a new way of treating acid reflux. This is a a relatively new procedure where the doctor takes a piece of the stomach tissue and inserting it to plug the gap that allows the reflux, thus preventing the gastric juices to escape. The prognosis looks good with 9 out of 10 patients no longer needing regular treatment. The new tissue plugs the opening and prevents the reflux in most patients.

The procedure is done with an endoscope under just general anaesthesia and only takes about thirty minutes. Certainly something to consider if you suffer from acid reflux as the results speak for themselves. The alternative is popping Zantax, pepto or whatever else you ingest out of desperation.

Call your doctor. Finding an acid reflux cure is worth fully investigating. Acid reflux is definitely not a pleasant experience, but the alternative is.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Acid Reflux Dangers

Everyone is chatting about their desire to use natural acid reflux remedies, but you barely see guides for these cures. Just about all of these ancient cures are based in folklore or oriental medicine. Traditional medical uses either basic antacids or new prescription medications to control acid reflux and indigestion. A few natural medicine doctors and herbalists say having a steady diet of antacids may lead to aluminum toxicity. But research shows no harm from taking antacids that have aluminum, unless you suffer other chronic illness. Practically all people do not want anything unnatural into their bodies and natural remedies will help to relieve heartburn.

We study many different home and natural cures that are still in common use. We have a list of these for your use. We can't promise you their claim only that the people who provided the cures claimed that they work for relieving their acid reflux heartburn. It might be obvious when you are not eating or drinking correctly, smoking, chewing tobacco, ingesting lots of caffeine or citrus, over doing alcohol or any other activity to stir up your heartburn symptoms. Plus, when you are suffering from GERD or LES (lower esophageal sphincter) muscles difficulties, chronic heartburn, ulcer or any higher form of Gastro Reflux Disease you need to see a doctor that specializes in acid reflux disease. Pushing back treatment may lead to major problems.

Eating almonds have been known to reduce heartburn issues when eaten prior to meals and an hour before bed. Bananas too carry a natural antacid in them which helps heartburn relief. Dried and powder bananas are available and alot more easy to use. Pineapples store enzymes and have bromelain, an enzyme cuts down proteins. Pineapples help bring digestion, reduces redness, and helps in healing wounds. Fresh juice has elevated levels of enzymes that should aid you in controlling your acid reflux. Raw fruits and vegetables like white potatoes, carrots and diced apples are cited to relieve heartburn.

Most people have used this cure for a number of years with great success. Vinegar, Chamomile, Licorice are just a few natural cures used throughout the years. Peppermint and lavender teas are well-known home remedies for many issues, including reducing acid reflux. Studies show it reduces acid in your stomach. Anise is looked upon as a powerful herb used for different ailments including heartburn. There are many kinds of anise and it is suggested that you use green anise, sweet or European and stay away from caraway and star varieties. Peppermint is a common home cure given to us. Alot of people suffering from heartburn carry peppermint candies on them and use them to help the burning pain of heartburn.

Chicory is a sour tasting herb that has endive and escarole in them. It reduces the problems and discomfort of acid reflux heartburn. Chicory is used in salads. Papaya is also used in helping relieve you of heartburn symptoms. This fruit is grown in south Florida and it can be found in super markets. The enzymes should be used for years,for stomach symptoms. We just touched down on a few of the natural cures, again these remedies were cited to us to work in controlling or avoiding acid reflux symptoms.

We stated this in the beginning, When you are suffering from major acid reflux disease, chronic heartburn or Lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle problems you should contact your doctor for the right medicines to help you fight these symptoms. Not doing so could lead to major stomach issues.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Steps To Acid Reflux Relief

Acid reflux is a problem that sometimes affects babies and young children. As a parent you feel you should be able to do something to protect them. There are 2 children who both are inflicted from birth with the ailment, and the parents found it tough to accept with their first child. The mother never wanted any child of theirs to have any pain. But there are several medications that should be able to provide relief. The child's pediatrician informed the family of how common this diagnose is. The last thing on earth you really want to hear is that your child has some sort of illness.

The acid burns and causes indigestion as it starts to rise back up. This happens when the muscles at the base of the esophagus don't effectively hold your stomach content down. Babies suffer from this quite often, because their muscles haven't fully developed and are actually not strong enough for the job. Most often their symptoms can appear after eating or when they are laying down. Possibly even going off their food, regular vomiting after feeding, crying and aching their back in pain are common signs that your child may have acid reflux.

Most often medication is needed for babies who have acid reflux. Just a couple of drops of Mylanta in a dropper, is a good first step. A prescription will probably be needed if this doesn't work for your baby. Children end up feeling almost instant relief when taking acid reducing medications, such as Zantac and Prevacid. These medicine are produced for children. Only use medicine that has been advised by your physician.

A prescription for Prevacid and a small doses of Mylanta in a lot of cases normally did the trick in most children. Mylanta is great for relieving signs of indigestion like acid burping, mild spit ups and chest pain. Which can be ordered without a prescription and has a smooth and easing effect in the esophagus and lining of the stomach. When reducing the production of stomach acid to almost none, Prevacid works fast from the time it hits your child's mouth. No side effects whatsoever, Both of the children outgrew their acid reflux by the time they were 12 months, and have keep up their good health since. The children had a better dispositions, they had vomit less, ate better and slept through the night. The whole family experienced relief, as soon as their children conditions were diagnosed and prescribed medicines were administrated.

Their whole family could have suffered acid reflux. We firmly believed by speedily resolving their children's acid reflux problems, greatly contributed to them being cheerful children. Go to to learn about acid reflux treatments. For a comprehensive resource to help individuals with acid reflux disease to prevent symptoms. You'll also find other information such as esophageal erosion and what to eat while dealing with your acid reflux.